Monday, May 20, 2013

Where is the 'good' in "goodbye".....

 Mikalas Dorm 2012-2013
 Brothers bonded for Life! 
 Jose with Host Family
 Thanh's Family was not able to attend the cook-out but Thanh had a wonderful year with the Campbells! 
 Cosit  & Arthur + Merrell's
 Fan and the Atwoods...and their Chinese sign!
 Oscar with his family!
 The Durhams had both Keita and Miguel this year!
 Bruno and the Weavers

 Santi and the Cook Family
...and finally, the Fruth's took our two boys who arrived at the Spring Semester- Shawn and John! 

"You never leave someone behind, you just take a part of them with you." 

As the boys prepare for their departures this week, I know that they are filled with many emotions- sadness, eagerness, anxiety, and most of all love and appreciation. This experience has opened their eyes to a world larger than themselves. They have grown as men and are stronger than before- blessings to you all!! 

Our final Ethnic Meal for the year....Shawn

 Shawn ended our year with a lovely Korean Dish for our Ethnic night! 
What a Chef!!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Miguel goes to Prom...again!

 Miguel was asked to attend Prom at a County School. Here is Micah helping Miguel with his tie....
 Then Jose takes a try at it......
 Bruno joins in....
 Finally Oscar ties the tie on himself and transfers it to Miguel! Success!! 
 Miguel and Olivia!
Ready for the night!